Friday, April 30, 2010

New Heavily Tattooed Girl's Back

Heavily Tattooed Woman's Back

Lady with heavily tattooed back. Work in progress, but however we can see nice tattoo design. Elvish forest with butterflies and fairies. Clouds, stars and moon with the moon fairy. Awesome fairy tattoo.

Thank you for visiting

misc demon sleeve in progress

i still need to add the clouds and im adding a few tengu on the tricep and underarm. 100% old gold for color.

Trina's Tattoo for Her Momma

The second subject of our March 10 tattoo bonanza is Trina, who sports seven tattoos, several of which are on her legs.

After her sixth piece, her mother chided her, saying teasingly, "You have all of those tattoos, and none of them are for me?"

The next tattoo solved that problem:

Reading "I'll always love my Momma," this piece was inked on the back of one of Trina's calves at Uptown Tattoos & Body Piercing in Harlem.

And what does the woman to whom this tattoo is dedicated think of it?

"Mom loves it," Trina grinned. As well she should.

Thanks to Trina for sharing her tattoo with us here!

Amy's Circle of Sanskrit Honors The Loss of Something She Needed to Lose

It was one of those New York City Tattoosday moments, when you really hit it off with someone and a simple question about a tattoo turns into a lengthy conversation.

I was coming home much later than usual and, at West 4th Street, where I'll occasionally switch from the A train to the D train, I spotted a woman in front of a subway map on the platform. She had tattoos on her ankles and was carrying a large hoop.

Amy, a nursing student and trapeze artist, shared the long segments on either side of her right food, inked in Sanskrit, quoting the Baghavad Gita:

She paraphrased the meaning as "Weapons do not pierce this. Fire does not burn this. Such is the eternal nature of the soul."

Or, in one translation, referring to the Atma, or higher self:

Weapons do not cut this Atma, fire does not burn it, water does not make it wet, and the wind does not make it dry. (2.23)
This Atma cannot be cut, burned, wetted, or dried up. It is eternal, all pervading, unchanging, immovable, and primeval. (2.24)

Why this quote? Aside from her appreciation of Hindu art and design, she got in "in honor of forgetting a person's number that I really needed to forget".

In other words, as I interpret it, she couldn't remember the number of someone who she was better off without. Her mind released the link to the person the heart craved and, in hindsight, the mind was operating in the best interest of the soul.

She had this work done by an artist at Purple Panther Tattoos on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood California.

Although the photos above were taken on the train platform at West 4th, we spent a good amount of time chatting on the D train after it pulled into the station. We talked about tattoos mostly, and I recommended some artists to check out in New York.

Amy said she had been recently thinking about a new tattoo and it was funny that I just happened to approach her about her own work.

We parted ways when the D rolled into 36th Street in Brooklyn, where I switched to the R train, and Amy headed to work teaching an Aerial Hoop class (which explains her possession of the large ringed object I alluded to at the beginning of the post).

A hearty thank you to Amy for sharing her inspirational tattoo with us here !

Juan's Sleeve, Traditional Elements, Inked in the Bronx

A burst of pleasantly warm weather this week signified the end of a quiet winter.

Posts have been scarce indeed, but I see busier times ahead.

Wednesday afforded me my first "Tat* Trick" of 2010. That term, for those unfamiliar, is reserved for a day when I meet and photograph at least three tattoo hosts. Even rarer is the "Lunch Tat Trick," which involves me getting photos from three people (or more) in the course of an hour, on my lunch break.

So I am grateful for the following contributor, and the two three other nice people from the 10th of March.

I spotted Juan in Penn Station and he offered up this half-sleeve-in-progress, which includes a skull element and a panther :

Inked by Freddie Arroyo at Cool Hand Tattoo in the Bronx, this tattoo features his ideas and the artist's interpretation of the suggested design elements. The mask at the bottom of the design is one element I find exceptionally interesting, as it deviates slightly from what a traditional demon mask looks like, and takes on a slightly more original appearance which more likely reflects the style of the artist:

The work as photographed represents two sittings. Not seen in the shot above, but quite impressive, is the work and color of this flower, which is on the inside of the biceps, extending into the ditch:

Thanks to Juan for sharing this tattoo with us here !

Tattoos I Know: Anna's Culinary Ink

Several months ago, one of my co-workers, Anna, wanted to commemorate the completion of her externship from culinary school.

It was funny, because at the time, she didn't realize I wrote Tattoosday and then discovered the site through googling. She stumbled upon this post that featured a chef's knife.

Anna liked the idea of using a knife, but wanted a whisk too. She spotted this piece and met with Vinny Romanelli at Red Rocket Tattoo in Manhattan, giving him the several source images she had found and explaining what she wanted.

He designed this for her and then completed the tattoo for her in about twenty minutes. She had him stick with black and gray and wanted him to emphasize the shading. This is the end result, positioned just above her ankle:

Hoot! Hoot! Thanks for Your Support!!

Seventh on the list of results was the link to this tattoo:

(the post)

This visitor registered Tattoosday's half a millionth hit, a number that seemed impossible when we first started out as a spin-off from BillyBlog 2 1/2 years ago (almost to the day). And although we're no Huffington Post (or I Can Has Cheeseburger, for that matter), which tosses off 500k in a day, or a week, or a month, or whatever, this little tattoo blog is very happy to celebrate this milestone.

Thanks to everyone who visits regularly, stops by occasionally, or just pops in from time to time. And, of course, a hearty thank you to all those tattooed folks who have volunteered their body art over the last 30 months!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

need Sexy Hip Tattooed Woman

Hip Tattooed Sexy Woman

Sexy tattooed girl with hot tattooed hip and unique tattooed arm. Her tattoos on hip and forearm have deep figurative meaning. Chinese dragon tattoo means wisdom and power. Aztec arm means: honesty, human destiny, integrity.

Thank you for visiting

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

just Hot Chick with Green Man Tattoo

Hot Tattooed Chick with Green Man Tattoo

Pretty tattooed girl. Green Man Tattoo (better known as Vertuminus) on her sexy back.

Thank you for visiting

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Zombies

Please excuse me for posting about my own tattoos so much this week, but I can't help myself! I'll post some legitimately terrible tattoos soon, don't worry!

You guys should all know by now that I am fascinated by flash tattoos and tattoos that come from the same drawing but look different. The tattoo I got on Friday was part of a Friday the 13th special, where you could get any flash zombie on a sheet for $40. I chose the classic coming-out-of-the-grave-zombie, and it turns out three of my friends went for the same thing. One of my friends and I got sxe zombies, my other two friends got the zombie as he was on the sheet. Here are all four zombies for comparison (done by three different artists, see if you can spot the two that were done by the same person).

Monday, April 26, 2010

the snake sleeve

its a bad pic but that would be my fault for forgetting my camera at home when i knew i would need it... stupid.
anyways, mike here sat a whopping 2 days in a row marathon and sent this pic later in the day after flying back to l.a....all beat up and swollen...thanks mike!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

new cherry blossom branch tattoo

This Lady came out with her husband from London and I had the pleasure of tattooing them both. She however has the cuteness name ever, "Pippa" isnt that the best?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chick with Lily Tattoo

Sexy Girl with Lily Tattoo

Pretty woman with lily tattoo on her back. Adorable flower tattoo design.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Asian Girl with Dragon Tattoo

Asian Girl with Dragon Tattoo

Sexy asian girl with a dragon tattoo on her back.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

old gold

so ive gone totllyu ocd and starting mixing a bunch of pigment. at first i wanted to mix enough that i would not have to mix any again for a few decades but that turned into mixing enough to last 100 tattooers for a few decades. all my pigment is hand made by me is small batches. here are some samples...more brewing. stay tuned.

angel painting

so ive been really bad about updating this blog apologies.
a few weeks ago stacey storms came down and modeled for me. this is the results. she posed for 2 hours and 40 minutes where i painted the figure and then i spent a couple hours adding the wings and background after the session.
10 x 30, watercolor on strecthed paper.

Woman Getting Tattooed

Girl Getting Tattooed

Woman Getting Tattooed. At the end she will get heavily tattooed back.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A new rising phoenix tattoo

I've uploaded my new "phoenix" tattoo picture.

I imaged the phoenix rising from the peony flowers paradise.

A Girl with Dark Tattoo on Her Back

Woman with Dark Tattoo on Her Back

Lady with dark tattoo on her back. There are two dark angels in a fight. "Fight against love"

Sexy Woman with Tribal Tattooed Back

Sexy Girl with Tribal Tattooed Back and Wings Lower Back Tattoo

Gorgeous girl's tattooed back. She has tribal tattoo on her back and wings tattooed lower back.

Full Girls Body Tattoos

Sunday, April 11, 2010


the octopus tattoo

this is a cover up...and i know that is completely useless information without a "before" photo. i have to start taking photos before i start covering. oh well.

the peony tattoo

yep, its a flower tattoo.

Cowgirl tattoo: in Progress

"the cowgirl with the guitar"!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Koi half sleeve

This guy flew out from London so we didnt have a ton of time to work but we managed to get this koi tattoo done in one 5 1/2 hour session.

Animals Tattoos Designs

scopion tattoo
Dragons Tattoos
Wolf Tattoo

Best Tattoorism: Corline's Beautiful Tree

As we rapidly approach the milestone of a half a million hits, it only seems fitting that today's post features a tattoo from one of our fans. We recently received this photograph of a lovely tattoo from Corline:

This beautiful tree on her lower back was tattooed by an artist known as Hell Boy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's her first tattoo and took about four hours.

Corline says she and Dennis collaborated on the design. They worked at a friend's home studio, he drew it on her back, and then took about four hours to tattoo it, making his own interpretation of their design. She adds, "Trees are really important to me. I went to travel after a long relationship and found my roots and my freedom...".

Thanks to Corline for sharing her lovely tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

God, New watercolor

"The mouth of a prophet" 10x20 watercolor on paper.
This is for the "typeriot" exhibit at Roundhouse gallery in St. Pete. Obviously you cant see the type here so you must come to the exhibit to see the rest of the painting.

Best Girl's Back with Tattoo

A picture of tattooed girl's back

A picture of tattooed girl's back.

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things i cannot change, Courage to change the things i can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Sexy Gils Dragon Tattoos Designs

Pretty Woman in Dragon Tattoo Design in the Lower BackA Pretty Woman in Dragon Tattoo Design in the Lower Back

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New full-back mask tattoo


New Star Girl Tattoo on Her Neck

Star Girl Tattoo on Her Neck

Cute neck stick girl and star tattoo. Star-girl means elusive, mysterious, not wanting to follow the crowd, not wanting to be popular for the wrong reasons (or not wanting to be popular at all) and a lot more.

Going through a hard period of life, the book star-girl, written by Jerry Spinelli, helped me to get a little bit more confidence and strength.

The stick figure is asymmetric because it stands for imperfection and embracing that. Nobody is perfect.

Big Bad chest tattoos

I think there is a trend of getting bad chest tattoos with bloody writing. Please tell me this isn't so, and it's just these three unfortunate dudes.

"All Hope Is Gone" -- not a very good thing to get when you're young (I cropped his face out of the photo, he looks like he is 17). Also what's the logo on the right? I assume these are bad lyrics of some sort.

"Blood Is Forever" -- I guess this is a way of celebrating family, but there is surely a much better way to do it. Also the bloody cracked Batman logo is an a+ addition there, buddy.

"Pull The Trigger Bitch" -- sdkjfhsdk I can seriously not think of a worse thing to get tattooed on your chest for all time. Do you think he will ever have sex with anyone ever again? I guess he'll just have to keep his shirt on indefinitely!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010